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2015 Fun in the Desert Event

Started by Mojave Dirtball, October 12, 2015, 06:20:19 PM

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Mojave Dirtball

We just completed our 2015 Fun in the Desert Event.  This was our 24th FITD, while not the biggest turn out in our history, it was one of the most enjoyable I can remember.  The team ensured smooth operation, great trails and fantastic food!!!!

A special thank you goes to Dave and Val for their tireless efforts to keep us organized, arranging the permit and ensuring all those nagging loose ends were tied up.  To Ed for smoking a ton of tasty Tri-Tip and whipping up a yummy breakfast each day while Julie, Peggy and Carol kept the kitchen cranking out the rest of the food and beverages and  slicing up that ton of Tri-tip!!!!!!!

To all the trail leaders.......thanks for getting everyone through the trails and back in time for dinner and the raffle..........oh, the raffle, a sincere thank you to all our vendors who supported this year's event.  Without you, it would not be possible.

To Nick who spearheaded setting up the stage, built the fire pit, prepped the quarter dig, kid's can game and other jobs not listed here.  To all the other club members who arranged for donations, contributed cash and gifts for the kid's and general raffle, manned "safety lane" set up and tore down camp, picked up trash, packed the trailer and jumped in to help wherever they saw a need!  What a great group.

Most importantly, thank you to all our guests which made this year so much fun!!!  We do this for you!!!

Anyone who has trail pictures, please post them when you get a chance.  Here are some from "event central" and one from the "reflector run":  http://s527.photobucket.com/user/MojaveDirtball/slideshow/VV4W%20FITD%202015
Never the last trail.


Agree, Jim!
Thanks to Dave and Val for directing a successful FITD, to Ed for feeding us good food, to Julie, Peggy and Carol who worked hard in the kitchen, to Nick who did another outstanding job setting things up, to Maria for running the kids' raffle, to Craig and others who ran safety, to Jim for running the Reflector Run, to those who set up and tore down camp, picked up trash, packed the trailer and jumped in to help wherever they saw a need!  What a great group.  I had a blast!  Hope everyone liked the program and shirt design this year!  I especially like the campfire on Saturday night. ;)
Don & Ann Zimmer

Mojave Dirtball

The program and shirt design were great!  Thank you for all your work and talent Don!!!
Never the last trail.


This event was indeed a lot of fun I can't ever remember having that many members around the campfire let alone our what has become a custom the Saturday night Going to the Moon Game, which generated a lot of laughs.  This event would fail if not for the tireless work of our club members.  I would like to especially thank Maria, and her two helpers for such a great job with the kids raffle. 

I have to say that wandering around the desert in the dark with Jim while we watched the reflector run group go one way then the other. And to have some miss several and then there were the ones that found all and answered questions, like how many passengers were marooned on the SS Minnow? 

I also have to mention that when Val and I woke up on Sunday we found our motor home decorated with various colors of crape paper, and little skeletons hanging all over.  This was done by ADULTS not children.  I was still awake and saw the lights through the blinds so I looked out and there was Wendy and Maria running around in and under the chairs and awning.  Since they both both short I thought we were being by E-Woks.  Some people never grow up, but wait until next year you two I have a whole year to plan.

Next year will be the silver anniversary and we need to come with something special. 

Thanks again to everyone for all the support and help with the event.

Dave & Val


This year was a lot of fun for everyone. I went out early Wed to meet my friend George from New Mexico. We spent 4 days hitting the trails. Wed we ran resolution, Chocolate thunder, Jack North and upper Sledge Hammer. Thursday David came out and we ran Outer limits and a trial on Outer limits that takes you over the top of the mountain that no one had a name for. Killer trail. Friday  a small group of us went and ran Sledge Hammer before Safety opened. Saturday I lead Wrecking Ball surprise. The surprise was we where running Tack hammer , Wrecking ball, Bender alley, Jack north and upper sledge. We ended up with 2 cut side walls and a broken spring Everyone pitched in and made it a great day of wheelin. Thanks Guys.  As always the food and raffle was killer. Thanks to all that pitched in and made it another great event. Next years trip to the moon should be interesting Dave.

Pictures from the week

FITD 2015 Slideshow by z113465 | Photobucket